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2.33.4 Changes

Neoony requested to merge feature/2_33_4_changes into develop
** Changed Projectile Spread from 0.5 to 0.2
* Removed .50cal Heavy Machine Gun (This is the 3-slot version of the weapon, 2-slot still remains.)
==== Research ====
Shifted the cost of researching upgraded chassis toward the chassis itself. They're now more similar to other research.
Increased the time for the sub-researches.
* Changed Vehicle Chassis sub-research (Upgraded & Advanced Chassis) from 5 res/s to 3 res/s
** Upgraded Chassis
*** Increased Time from 120 to 240
*** Increased Cost from 600 to 720
** Advanced Chassis
*** Increased Time from 120 to 240
*** Increased Cost from 600 to 720
* Changed Vehicle Chassis research from (Medium, Artillery & Heavy Chassis) 5 res/s to 6 res/s.
** Medium Tank Chassis
*** Increased Cost from 450 to 540
** Artillery Tank Chassis
*** Increased Cost from 600 to 720
** Heavy Tank Chassis
*** Increased Time from 120 to 150
*** Increased Cost from 600 to 900
Edited by Neoony

Merge request reports
