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2.33.5 Changes

Neoony requested to merge feature/2_33_5_changes into develop
==== Research ====
* Depleted Uranium Rounds
** Reduced Time from 60 to 45
** Reduced Cost from 240 to 180
* Improved Flagration Compounds
** Reduced Time from 60 to 45
** Reduced Cost from 120 to 90
* Explosive Tipped Bullets
** Reduced Time from 60 to 45
** Reduced Cost from 240 to 180
* Biological Projectile
** Reduced Time from 60 to 45
** Reduced Cost from 240 to 180
* Upgraded Chassis
** Reduced Cost from 720 to 600
** Reduced Time from 240 to 120
* Medium Tank Chassis
** Increased Cost from 540 to 600
** Increased Time from 90 to 120
* Artillery Tank Chassis
** Reduced Cost from 750 to 720
** Increased Time from 120 to 150
* Advanced Chassis
** Increased Cost from 720 to 750
** Reduced Time from 240 to 150
* Heavy Tank Chassis
** Reduced Cost from 900 to 750

Merge request reports
