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Additional changes for 2.36.3

Neoony requested to merge feature/2-36-3_Changes-2 into develop

Full 2.36.3 changes:

==== Vehicle Chassis ====
* Northern Faction Heavy Tank
** Increased available weight by 60
* Brenodi Empire Heavy Tank
** Increased available weight by 60
==== Vehicle Weapons ====
* Biological Cannon
** Reduced Weight from 120 to 100
* Homing Missile
** Reduced Lock On Time from 0.5 to 0.4
** Reduced Lock On Range Modifier from 0.5s/1000u to 0.4s/1000u
*** Locking on is now 25% faster, it takes between 0.4s to 3.2s from 0.5s to 4s
* Biological Missile
** Increased Total Ammo Clips from 3 to 5
** Reduced Cycle Time from 1.5 to 2
* Depleted Uranium Rounds
** Increased Clip Size from 80 to 100
* Biological Rounds
** Reduced Cycle Time from 0.38 to 0.12
** Reduced Damage from 8 to 4
** Reduced Minimal Damage from 6 to 3
** Reduced Heat from 1.5 to 0.5
** Increased Clip Size from 30 to 80
** Reduced Bio Damage agasint Vehicles from 10 to 5
** Reduced Bio Time against Vehicles and Infantry from 2 to 1
* Plasma Rounds
** Reduced Cycle Time from 0.28 to 0.1
** Reduced Damage from 10 to 5
** Reduced Minimal Damage from 8 to 4
** Reduced Heat from 2 to 0.6
** Increased Clip Size from 40 to 100
* High-Explosive Rounds
** Reduced Cycle Time from 0.4 to 0.135
** Reduced Damage from 8 to 3
** Reduced Minimal Damage from 7 to 3
** Reduced Heat from 1.5 to 0.6
** Increased Clip Size from 25 to 70
==== Vehicle Armors ====
* Reactive
** New Damage Reductions from Machine Gun changes
*** Depleted Uranium Rounds: from 25% to 66%
*** Biological Rounds: from 25% to 66% (not counting the bio effect)
*** High-Expllosive Rounds: 66%
*** Plasma Rounds: from 0 to 25%
==== Research ====
* Turrets lvl 2
** Increased Cost from 360 to 480
** Increased Time from 90 to 120
* Turrets lvl 3
** Increased Cost from 480 to 600
** Increased Time from 120 to 150
==== Buildings ====
* Vehicle Factory
** Increased Cost from 500 to 700
==== Infantry ====
* Reduced Scout Rifle's Headshot Multiplier from 3 to 2

Merge request reports
