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2.37.3 balance changes

Xiam requested to merge feature/2.37.3-balance-changes into develop
==== Research ====
** Reduced Cost of APC Chassis research from 360 to 240
** Reduced Time of APC Chassis research from 90 to 60
==== Vehicle Armors ====
* Reactive
** Reduced Health from 120 to 110
==== Infantry Weapons ====
* SMG1
** Increased Clip Size from 30 to 35
** Increased number of clips from 3 to 4
* SMG2
** Increased Clip Size from 35 to 40
** Increased Engineer's number of clips from 3 to 4
** Increased Scout's number of clips from 4 to 5
Edited by Xiam

Merge request reports
