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feature/2.38.0 adding Salvo Homing ML and TOW Guided ML


Since it's so consistent to hit enemy tanks with homing heavys, stacking them enables NF to dominate the lategame. By switching homing missiles to Salvo homing missiles enables BE to have a bigger window to counterplay against it. On top of that, NF gets TOW Guided missiles back, so NF can match BE late game weapon variety while at the same time filling the gaps which homing and nukes can't fill.


=== Script/Game Balance ===
==== Research ====
* Salvo Homing Missiles
** Added Salvo Homing Missiles research
* TOW Guided Missiles
** Re-Added TOW Guided Missiles research
** Increased Research time from 60 to 90
** Increased Research cost from 240 to 360

==== Vehicle Weapons ====
* Salvo Homing Missiles
** Increased cost from 105 to 150
** Increased clip size from 4 to 10
** Increased reload time from 3.75 to 8
** Increased missile lock on range from 5000 to 8000
** Decreased lock on time from 0.6 to 0.5
** Decreased lock on radius from 0.35 to 0.2
** Decreased lock on range modifier from 0.00040 to 0.00025
** Decreased damage from 40 to 30
** Decreased missile Speed from 2300 to 2100
** Decreased heat from 4 to 3
** Decreased weight from 100 to 80
Edited by Oktay _

Merge request reports
