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Vehicle Handling Modifications

Xiam requested to merge feature/vehicle-handling-modifications into release/2.38.0

There's a lot of stuff:

  • !273
  • Added frictionscale to all vehicles
  • Increased turn throttle reduction for all vehicles
  • Changed torque repartitions between axles
    • Most of them were FWD which made them terrible at climbing hills, now they're either 4WD or RWD
  • Changed horsepower to compensate for the previous changes
  • Also cleaned up lot of the scripts


  • Both teams share the same engines, which means when one team's chassis has more axles than the other each axle will have less power (unless you make some axle have 0 power)
    • For example, the NF APC has 2 axles whereas the BE APC has 4 axles, which means if all axles get the same power BE APC's axles will have half the power of NF APC's which gives it a lot less torque.
  • Some vehicles are able to exceed their max speed for some reason I don't understand
  • Jeeps are a lot less stable without damping, might have to add it back

I don't even know how you'd make a changelog out of that. I don't know if it's ready, and either way it'd need a lot of iterations after the initial update, it would need to be its own update or when nothing else would affect vehicle handling in any way.

Edited by Xiam

Merge request reports
